Dale Chihuly a celebration

Dale Chihuly a celebration

Artikel: Dale Chihuly a celebration

Showcases over 150 examples of the artist Dale Chihuly's work while offering insight into his creative process and the influence of the Pacific Northwest's history, culture, and environment on his career.

Dale Chihuly, the hugely popular artist who works in glass, celebrates his 70th birthday in 2011. Tacoma Art Museum, in his hometown, owns more than 150 examples of his work and is mounting an exhibition in his honor. Both this book and the exhibition showcase Chihuly's enduring interest in the arts and natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest, which are a major influence on his work.

For the first time, "Dale Chihuly: A Celebration" focuses on the importance of these influences. From Native American baskets to wool trade blankets, the gritty Tacoma of the 1960s, and Puget Sound, this exhibition and book follow Chihuly's development and accomplishments and how he grew and evolved while maintaining close ties to Tacoma. The essay by curator Rock Hushka traces Chihuly's creative process and the ways in which his abiding interest in the American Northwest enriches his work.


Format Buch
Author Rock Hushka
Anzahl Seiten 128 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Zustand Neu
Lieferung Versandfertig innert 3-4 Wochen
Produktnummer S-9479-21073

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