Chihuly an artist collects - Dale Chihuly

Chihuly an artist collects - Dale Chihuly

Artikel: Chihuly an artist collects - Dale Chihuly

Bruce Helander is an artist who also writes on art. He is a former White House Fellow of the National Endowment for the Arts, former Editor-in-Chief of The Art Economist, and a member of the Florida Artists Hall of Fame. He is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, as well as to Sculpture, Forbes Life, and Simply the Best, and author of artist Hunt Slonem's book, Bunnies.

Helander first met Dale Chihuly as a freshman at the Rhode Island School of Design, where years later he became Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. He studied journalism at Harvard and storytelling at Yale. Helander has followed Chihuly's career for the past forty years, including trips to interview Chihuly at installations of his glass in Jerusalem and Venice. He penned his first review on Chihuly's work in 1980 for Art Express magazine, as well as a chapter titled Fire and Ice in his book, Learning to See (2007). He lives in Palm Beach, FL.

Dale Chihuly is recognized as the most important artist working in the medium of glass. He has won numerous awards, and in 1986 became one of only four Americans to be honored by a one-man exhibition at the Louvre in Paris. Chihuly is co-founder of the Pilchuck Glass School outside Seattle, which draws students and teachers from around the globe.


Format Buch
Author Bruce Helander
Anzahl Seiten 160 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Zustand Neu
Lieferung Versandfertig innert 3-4 Wochen
Produktnummer S-9479-21072

Der Artikel Chihuly an artist collects - Dale Chihuly trägt die Produktnummer S-9479-21072. Wenn oberhalb in den Produktinformationen nicht anders angegeben, wird der Artikel aus dem Lager des Produktpartners versandt.

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