Chihuly garden illustrations - Dale Chihuly

Chihuly garden illustrations - Dale Chihuly

Artikel: Chihuly garden illustrations - Dale Chihuly

Features the artist's glass sculptures from "The Garden Cycle" exhibition that were displayed in prominent conservatories and gardens around the world.

Dale Chihuly (b. 1941) has led the avant-garde movement in the development of glassblowing as a studio art and in the broader contemporary interest in glass as an expressive medium. His work can be seen in the collections of over 200 museums worldwide.

The author has had a lifelong interest in the colours and forms that appear in nature, in particular those of plant and marine life. This book explores the results of his nearly decade-long investigation into designing site-specific installations for some of the world's preeminent gardens and conservatories.


Format Buch
Author Dale Chihuly
Anzahl Seiten 400 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Zustand Neu
Lieferung Versandfertig innert 3-4 Wochen
Produktnummer S-9479-21071

Der Artikel Chihuly garden illustrations - Dale Chihuly trägt die Produktnummer S-9479-21071. Wenn oberhalb in den Produktinformationen nicht anders angegeben, wird der Artikel aus dem Lager des Produktpartners versandt.

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