Chihuly on fine - Dale Chihuly

Chihuly on fine - Dale Chihuly

Artikel: Chihuly on fine - Dale Chihuly

The highly anticipated book Chihuly: On Fire begins with a comprehensive, critical overview by the distinguished art historian Henry Adams. The biographical narrative of how the artist developed his seminal series beginning in 1975 examines Chihuly's lifelong pursuit of organic and asymmetrical forms and illuminates his ongoing artistic development, providing a deep appreciation of a lifetime challenging the limitations of hand-blown glass.

Experience a visual journey with 166 striking color photographs and detailed sections that profile each of Chihuly's iconic series: Cylinders, Baskets, Seaforms, Macchia, Soft Cylinders, Persians, Venetians, Putti, Ikebana, Jerusalem Cylinders, and his later monochromatic approach to the use of black, clear, silvered, and white glass as the base color for his work. Discover in detail Chihuly's newest series, the Rotolo; as with his other series, Chihuly continues to push the threshold of how large or complex an object made of glass can be. An illustrated chronology and a comprehensive list of Chihuly's 200-plus museum collections worldwide help showcase one of the world's most influential artists and his dedication to exploring the medium of glass as an art form.


Format Buch
Author Dale Chihuly
Anzahl Seiten 212 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Zustand Neu
Lieferung Versandfertig innert 3-4 Wochen
Produktnummer S-9479-21069

Der Artikel Chihuly on fine - Dale Chihuly trägt die Produktnummer S-9479-21069. Wenn oberhalb in den Produktinformationen nicht anders angegeben, wird der Artikel aus dem Lager des Produktpartners versandt.

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